Bangsamoro amat sinonim dengan muslim mindanao, kerana ianya bukan sahaja menjadi tagline bagi muslim mindanao , malah Bangsamoro adalah satu nama yang membawa kepada perpaduan bangsa-bangsa muslim yang ada di selatan filipina.
Bangsamoro adalah gabungan dua ayat, "bangsa" dan "moro". Perkataan "moro" datangnya dari perkataan "moor", yang mana adalah nama bagi bangsa di negara magribi. Penduduk muslim mindanao di beri gelaran tersebut oleh pihak sepanyol, semasa era kehadiran mereka untuk menakluk dan menyebarkan kristian kepada penduduk muslim mindanao. Di mana, pada era tersebut, muslim mindanao berperang dengan pihak sepanyol dan di sebabkan keberanian dan semangat perjuangan yang tinggi di tunjukkan oleh penduduk muslim mindanao menentang pihak penjajah, maka, pihak sepanyol memberi gelaran sebagai bangsamoro, yang kononnya semangat dan keberanian penduduk muslim mindanao mempunyai persamaan dengan apa yang pernah di tunjukkan oleh orang-orang di negara magribi, semasa berdepan ancaman pihak sepanyol, pada masa dahulu.
Semangat dan keberanian yang di miliki oleh bangsamoro bukan sekadar ditunjukkan di dalam kancah peperangan , malah juga dalam segala bidang yang mereka kendalikan baik politik, akademik, ekonomi dan lain-lain lagi. Tidak di nafikan lagi kejayaan bangsamoro ini di tanahair mereka, meskipun di pentas dunia.
Persoalannya, kemana hendak di salurkan kecerdikan dan kemahiran mereka ini?
adakah ianya memadai bagi bangsamoro berbangga kepada pencapaian mereka setakat ini?, sedangkan kepandaian mereka itu hanya di gunakan oleh orang-orang luar, atau kepandaian mereka ini hanyalah di gunakan untuk mencari kelangsungan hidup semata-mata.
mungkinkah dengan menyumbang kecerdikan dan tenaga mereka ke negara luar sudah memberi kepuasan kepada mereka ini?, Sebenarnya,kepuasan yang sebenar belum dapat di rasai lagi. Bangsanya saja yang berjaya, akan tetapi tanahair bangsamoro ini masih di takuk lama.
pedih mendengar kenyataan ini , tapi inilah hakikatnya yang bangsamoro terpaksa akui.
Bangunlah cendiakawan dan pejuang bangsamoro. Berhentilah memuji dan menerima pujian yang hanya melalaikan kita .Pelayaran bangsamoro menuju masa hadapan masih tidak jelas lagi. Kendalikanlah sebaik mungkin.
bak kata seorang ilmuan islam "tiada orang yang layak memberi semangat dan motivasi kepada diri sendiri melainkan diri anda sendiri ".
Akhir sekali, suka saya katakan buktikanlah yang kita (bangsamoro) adalah salah satu bangsa yang boleh pergi jauh sejajar dengan bangsa-bangsa yang lain dan buktikanlah juga kita adalah bangsa yang berdaulat , berkarisma dan berkeinginan untuk di ketengahkan sebagai bangsa yang terulung di pentas dunia INSYALLAH.
is synonymous with Muslim Mindanao, as it is not only a tagline for
muslim mindanao, Bangsamoro is even a name that brings unity to the
Muslim nations in the southern Philippines.
Bangsamoro is the combination of two sentences, "race" and "moro". The word "moro" comes from the word "Moor", which is the name of the Moroccan people in the country. Muslim population in Mindanao gave the title by the Spanish, during the era of their presence to conquer and spread Christianity to the Muslim population of Mindanao. Where, in that era, Muslim Mindanao fighting with the spanish and due to the courage and fighting spirit shown by the high population of Muslims in Mindanao against the colonial authorities, then, the spanish gave the title as Bangsamoro, the so-called spirit and courage of the population Muslim Mindanao has similarities with what was in the show by those in the Moroccan nation, while facing the threat of spain, in the past.
Bangsamoro is the combination of two sentences, "race" and "moro". The word "moro" comes from the word "Moor", which is the name of the Moroccan people in the country. Muslim population in Mindanao gave the title by the Spanish, during the era of their presence to conquer and spread Christianity to the Muslim population of Mindanao. Where, in that era, Muslim Mindanao fighting with the spanish and due to the courage and fighting spirit shown by the high population of Muslims in Mindanao against the colonial authorities, then, the spanish gave the title as Bangsamoro, the so-called spirit and courage of the population Muslim Mindanao has similarities with what was in the show by those in the Moroccan nation, while facing the threat of spain, in the past.
and the courage by which the Bangsamoro have shown not just in the
midst of war, but also in all areas that they control both political,
academic, economic and others. Not deny the success of the Bangsamoro in their homeland, even on the world stage.
The question is, where to transfer the skills and intelligence they are?
whether it is adequate for the Bangsamoro to proud of their achievements so far?, while their brilliance is only used by those outside, or their brilliance is only used to search for survival alone.
Is it possible to contribute their energy and intelligence to foreign countries have been giving them this satisfaction?, Actually, the real satisfaction can not feel more at. Recently a successful nation, but Bangsamoro homeland is still in the old notch.
painful to hear this statement, but this is the fact that the Bangsamoro have to admit.
Arise Scholar and Bangsamoro fighters. Stop praising and receive only praise for our reckless. Cruises Bangsamoro toward future still unclear again. Control as possible.
like what scholar of Islam said, "there is no person qualified to give the spirit and motivation to yourself but yourself".
Finally, I would like to say buktikanlah that we (Bangsamoro) is one of the nation that can go far in line with nations other and buktikanlah also we are a sovereign nation, charismatic and desire for let them know us such as the nation's premier on the world stage Insyallah .
The question is, where to transfer the skills and intelligence they are?
whether it is adequate for the Bangsamoro to proud of their achievements so far?, while their brilliance is only used by those outside, or their brilliance is only used to search for survival alone.
Is it possible to contribute their energy and intelligence to foreign countries have been giving them this satisfaction?, Actually, the real satisfaction can not feel more at. Recently a successful nation, but Bangsamoro homeland is still in the old notch.
painful to hear this statement, but this is the fact that the Bangsamoro have to admit.
Arise Scholar and Bangsamoro fighters. Stop praising and receive only praise for our reckless. Cruises Bangsamoro toward future still unclear again. Control as possible.
like what scholar of Islam said, "there is no person qualified to give the spirit and motivation to yourself but yourself".
Finally, I would like to say buktikanlah that we (Bangsamoro) is one of the nation that can go far in line with nations other and buktikanlah also we are a sovereign nation, charismatic and desire for let them know us such as the nation's premier on the world stage Insyallah .
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